Monday 14 October 2019

Film 2

the ones we love

So my Second project for my third year is called The Ones we Love. It is a 3D film about a boy who is struggling to deal with the loss of his sister. sadly i do not have an image of my team yet but here is a quick render test on of our directors did 

Film 1

Case Closed

So its final year and i have two very great projects to producer! 

Here is the heads of departments of the first. Im really excited to work on this project. It is a 2D Short film about a spy on a mission that has lead them onto a commuter train! 

Monday 7 October 2019

Third Year Term 1

Third Year!

So Im finally in my third year at university! feels like I only applied yesterday but it also feels like I've been doing this for years

after producing three films in my second year I have decided that it is definitely the job role I would like to pursue after university. I never used to know what part of the pipeline I wanted to be involved in and as it turns out I like being involved in all parts from start to finish.

last week we had our project pitches and even though I'm very sad that the two projects I was helping on didn't get through I'm very excited that I have been asked by two other films if I could be the producer on their films!

the first film is called "case closed" a 2d animated comedy about a spy on a mission. this film is seems really good and the director is very hard working. Im excited to see where this project goes. I did help to complete a 2d film last year however I took that one over after the original producer was unable to continue, so I have not properly produced a 2d film since "tea talk" in first year.

the second film im producing is "the ones we love" a 3d animated short film about a boy who is recently lost his sister and is trying to come to terms with this loss. I love the idea of this film as it concentrates less on the sisters death and more on how boy is going to recover after this close bond has been taken away from him. I have never worked on a 3d film before so I'm going to have to try and learn the 3d pipeline whilst trying to keep up with deadlines this term. which is going to be difficult but I think I can do it!

Im a bit sad that I will not be working on a stop motion film this term as its something I know how to do very well, but I wanted to explore other mediums of animation more so that Im able to produce all types on animation and film.