Monday 18 November 2019

Case Closed

case closed mid term update

So far Case Closed is going really well. We are on track with our pre- production and we have finished our vertical slice ready for our progress screening. This film looks and sounds amazing and I cant wait for it to be finished. The hardest part of this year is that the projects are over the whole year and not just one term so it feels like everything is moving really slowly but its not we are just working on them for longer. 

Here is the shot list  i have created from our animatic- it will needs some improvements as we move along as the animatic and story are still changing slightly however this has helped us keep track of production on our vertical slice.

For Halloween the Director and I decided to dress up as our two main characters! this was a lot of fun and the team enjoyed it 

Here is the director, Head of animation and I presenting our vertical slice. Our lecturers were really pleased with our progress and happy for us to move forward 

Here is a meeting with the director, Sound artist and I present. we were discussing the sounds we wanted for our vertical slice.

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