Thursday 7 December 2017

3D Animation

tails jump

one thing that I have not included on my blog so far was the task we were given a few weeks ago in 3D and that was the tails jump. For this task we had to take this 'tails' rig and make it look like it was jumping. and whilst it was jumping we ad to make sure to give the tail a follow through effect to make it look more realistic. to do this we first did the animation of the character and then opened up the dope sheet give the tail a proper flick. I think that my final attempt looks really good as the tail moves nicely, however, if I was going to do this task again I would definitely look more and the squash and stretch of the character to give it a more realistic jump.

yawn- second attempt

I decided that I would redo my yawn and upload it with my video reference of myself included in it so you could see how I followed the video to make the animation look more realistic. I think this animation definitely looks better than my first as it has more of a stretch and looks more realistic.

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