Friday 24 April 2020


Big feet released!

So now that Big feet has successfully done the festival rounds it is being released for everyone to see! 

please check it out on my vimeo: 

Friday 10 April 2020

Pandemic Update

Still going! 

So when creating my production contract at the start of this term when it asked me what struggles/Delays might we face that may stop us working i definitely did not put Pandemic down as one of them! 

But this doesn't matter because both Case Closed and The Ones we Love is still going. We have moved all our meetings online and communication is now being mainly done via a group chat. However even though we are still going im aware that this will have a massive hit on productivity and so it is unlikely that we will finish the films by the deadline. (especially The Ones we Love as we have no where to render it). I also know that a lot of students do not have the equipment or software to carry on working on the films so we are losing half our teams. But we will get our films done! 

Case Closed Online Meeting 

The Ones we Love Online Meeting 

Monday 10 February 2020

The ones we love production


The ones we love has now officially started production and only has two models left to finish which is really exciting! 

Here is a Gantt chart i created to schdule production this term.

We finally have a shot list! i created this shot list just before term started and i have just finished putting all the shots in!

Sunday 2 February 2020

Case Closed production


Case Closed officially started production today. We are using the animation from our vertical slice ( however changing the backgrounds) so we already have some animation finished. We have a really good team on board who are currently working hard at completing keys! 

During our first week back this term i scheduled in Background and animation workshops for all our animators to make sure they were keeping to the correct style (and this is an issue we suffered with in the vertical slice). Below is an image of our director giving a background tutorial.

Here is the Gantt Chart i created to schedule this term

For our sound we needed to complete the animation scene by scene so he could start on the music. Here is a shot tracker i created so i new what sound would need to be done and when.

Here is a notice board i created for the film to keep people updated on important information and to show off some of our amazing concept art completed by our director. 

Monday 18 November 2019

The Ones we Love

The Ones we love mid term update

The ones we love have fallen a little bit behind schedule as we struggled to find a storyboard artist to help us with our animatic. We did however get all of animation done for the vertical slice screening and our lecturers were really happy with the results. This is my first time producing a 3D so im still trying to learn the pipeline. hopefully we will not face anymore delays this term.

I arranged for our CG lead to hold a UV Unwrapping workshop so that people could unwrap their models

Here is a production plan I created for our whole project. this has really helped me keep track of where we should be in the pipeline

 I arranged a Christmas party (very early because I didn't want to put it to close to our deadlines) for the heads of departments. This really helped clear any stress or tension we had with each other and to get to know each other more.

Case Closed

case closed mid term update

So far Case Closed is going really well. We are on track with our pre- production and we have finished our vertical slice ready for our progress screening. This film looks and sounds amazing and I cant wait for it to be finished. The hardest part of this year is that the projects are over the whole year and not just one term so it feels like everything is moving really slowly but its not we are just working on them for longer. 

Here is the shot list  i have created from our animatic- it will needs some improvements as we move along as the animatic and story are still changing slightly however this has helped us keep track of production on our vertical slice.

For Halloween the Director and I decided to dress up as our two main characters! this was a lot of fun and the team enjoyed it 

Here is the director, Head of animation and I presenting our vertical slice. Our lecturers were really pleased with our progress and happy for us to move forward 

Here is a meeting with the director, Sound artist and I present. we were discussing the sounds we wanted for our vertical slice.

Friday 8 November 2019

Birmingham Film Festival

Big Feet! 

So big feet has already got into numerous festivals as part of a official selection including - Cornwall film festival, Nukhu and Birmingham film festival 

When it came to Birmingham one of our team members is from their so part of the team decided to travel up and watch Big feet on the big screen. it was a really fun experience and great to here feedback from people who had never seen the film before!

Monday 14 October 2019

Film 2

the ones we love

So my Second project for my third year is called The Ones we Love. It is a 3D film about a boy who is struggling to deal with the loss of his sister. sadly i do not have an image of my team yet but here is a quick render test on of our directors did 

Film 1

Case Closed

So its final year and i have two very great projects to producer! 

Here is the heads of departments of the first. Im really excited to work on this project. It is a 2D Short film about a spy on a mission that has lead them onto a commuter train! 

Monday 7 October 2019

Third Year Term 1

Third Year!

So Im finally in my third year at university! feels like I only applied yesterday but it also feels like I've been doing this for years

after producing three films in my second year I have decided that it is definitely the job role I would like to pursue after university. I never used to know what part of the pipeline I wanted to be involved in and as it turns out I like being involved in all parts from start to finish.

last week we had our project pitches and even though I'm very sad that the two projects I was helping on didn't get through I'm very excited that I have been asked by two other films if I could be the producer on their films!

the first film is called "case closed" a 2d animated comedy about a spy on a mission. this film is seems really good and the director is very hard working. Im excited to see where this project goes. I did help to complete a 2d film last year however I took that one over after the original producer was unable to continue, so I have not properly produced a 2d film since "tea talk" in first year.

the second film im producing is "the ones we love" a 3d animated short film about a boy who is recently lost his sister and is trying to come to terms with this loss. I love the idea of this film as it concentrates less on the sisters death and more on how boy is going to recover after this close bond has been taken away from him. I have never worked on a 3d film before so I'm going to have to try and learn the 3d pipeline whilst trying to keep up with deadlines this term. which is going to be difficult but I think I can do it!

Im a bit sad that I will not be working on a stop motion film this term as its something I know how to do very well, but I wanted to explore other mediums of animation more so that Im able to produce all types on animation and film.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Australia - Winton Film Festival

ButterFly dreaming. 

Friends we met in Winton

Whilst completing two films during my second term of second year i also applied to be a part of 5 students who would be travelling too Australia to create a short animation in the Outback. I was lucky enough to be chosen to be a part of this project and whilst we were their for two weeks we created the film 'Butterfly Dreaming' 

This film is about the belief of the indigenous people and to make the film we used two cameras, torches and whatever we could find in the outback! 

Overall this was an amazing experience and im really grateful I was chosen to go! 

view the film here:

Friday 10 May 2019


Bear End of Term update

Image of director, Myself and our head of animation.

The film is done!!!

I can't believe we have managed to animate the full film in four weeks but we did and bear is done! I was worried when i first joined this project that by doing so I would be working myself to hard and both films would fall behind schedule and not get done. But because i had two amazing teams working incredibly hard We managed to get Bear completely finished two day before the deadline.

Please view the film posted on my vimeo

Monday 22 April 2019

Big Feet- Update

Big Feet End of term Update

The film is done! 

We managed to get it completed on time and to a really great standard so I'm really pleased that i managed to produce a really great film whilst also working heavily on another project (more about bear in my next post !). I think the film has been finished to a really professional standard (So much so that our head of course has asked to put some of the film in a promotional video for the course which is usually reserved for 3rd years only) and we managed to get it completely finished a whole week before our deadline and ahead of schedule. I could not have asked for a better team and project experience this really has been amazing. I cannot release the film yet as we are currently submitting it to a lot of film festivals however the film will be released in April 2020