Wednesday 7 March 2018

2D Background project

2D Background final design 

This is my final design for my 2D background project as you can see in my image is it much more of a pond than a lake however I really live the way the flows and think that it works really in my design.
As you can see on the left I have included my tree with my bike on it and I still want this to be the pink blossom tree that I had done some directly observed studies of a few weeks ago. I have also included a dog behind the tree looking at the pond, this is in memory of my golden retriever poppy, I am hoping to animated the tail wagging and maybe a tongue poking out of the mouth. In my final 2D background I am hoping that I can just do a simple pan from right to left, however I may add a zoom into it to make it a bit more interesting. I have also decided to get rid of the ground details that are in front of the mountains because I think that the nature around the lake is a bit to much compared to the simple mountains in the background. My background is cut into 4 layers I have the long grass at the front of the screen in layer 1 then the first half of the lake and the tree in layer 2, I then put the second half of the lake in layer 3 and finally put the mountains and sky into the fourth and final layer.

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