Wednesday 6 December 2017

Stop Motion Animation

Normal walk and Character walk

In my previous posts on these tasks i said how i had accidentally cut off the feet and that both animations were very jumpy and so i decided to redo them both together.

The first one i decided to do was the Normal walk as i new this was going to be the easiest of the two and i wanted to make sure that i got it looking really good. as you can see from the video i have defnintely improved since my previous attempt as the walk is more fluid and doesn't wobble, however i do think that i included to many frames as the walk is slightly slow. 

I then went on to redo the character walk. I thought about changing my idea to something different however i liked the way my first one looked and moved and decided to try and do a child being told off by someone again. i think again this second attempt does look a lot better than my first attempt as it moves across the screen nicely, however, towards the end of the video it does start to wobble a lot more and this is because i didn't check the leg joints before starting the Animation and the legs and hip joints were a lot loser than they should of been making it hard to make the puppet stand on one leg properly.

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