Wednesday 6 December 2017

3D Animation

if you look at my past posts in my blog you can see that there is massive lack of 3D Animation this is because in the past couple of weeks I have often debated whether or not to post any. The reason I have been questioning this is because I believe that my 3D Animation is definitely the one I'm weakest at and I have felt that none of it (except some of my Mery poses) has been any good to post, however, I for the past week I have been making my showreel ready for our deadline this Friday and I have realised that if I don't compare my work to other peoples (which I usually do)  I have made great improvements in my 3D and even if it is not the best in the class it is something I should show off so here is a range of my 3D animations that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks (not all of them)

Excited ball bounce

One of our very first tasks in 3D ( before the Mery poses) was for us to take this ball rig that they gave us and create at least 2 balls with different 'emotions' on them. my favourite one was this 'excited' ball as I think it just looks really good and at it was really working out how to do the squash and stretch on each bounce as this is something I have never done before.

Monty Walk

Later on in 3D we were able to use this Monty rig to create a walk cycle. I found this really interesting and very difficult as I struggled with working out how and where to put the key frames to make it look like he was walking normally. As you can see from the video above the walk is still very fast and awkward and if I was to do this again I would definitely slow it down a bit.


For this Animation we used the bodymechs rich which I found very easy to use because it was made by someone to specifically teach beginners. for this task we had to make the character yawn using a video of ourselves for reference. I found this very difficult as I sometimes struggled to get the arm to move right to make it look right and ended up getting the right arm stuck in a fist at the end. however I think that overall the actual animation of the yawn looks good.


For our next task I actually completed two finished pieces as I did one when we were set the task and I recently redid it as I didn't really that the character had to give up at the end. as you can see my first try is very simple of a character called jack trying to push the box and sliding back. I also decided to redo this task as I felt that the animation in my first try didn't look right and him sliding back made him look like he was floating. in my second try I used a character called Tina and decided this time I wasn't going to make her feet move just so it looked less like she was sliding. I definitely like my second try more however I still feel like it could be improved slightly by holding the pushing frame for a bit longer. I also tried to make the push look more feminine because I chose a female character however I think I have maybe made the push a bit to feminine and it make its look a little comedic but overall I am happy with the outcome.

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