Saturday 3 March 2018

Term 2018 & motion studies

New term 2018 

as we have started a new term we have been given many more tasks to do and as you can see i have been failing to post any of them until now.
this term we have to create:

  • a 2d background 
  • a 3d environment 
  • an experimental film about ourselves 
  • motion studies work (stop motion)
  • an individual sound project
  • a group project about tea 

I am now going to start posting the work i have completed on here to show my progress throughout the next few weeks of this term

Motion Studies stop motion 

Blind animation

Emotion task

The first two tasks we were given in stop motion was to use the puppets to create a blind animation (cover the screen so you cant look at the images you are taking) and an emotion. I completed these tasks a few times and found the blind animation to be the most difficult as I had to trust that the movements I was doing to the puppet looked right without actually looking at the images I had taken.
As you can see from the first video above the animation turned out pretty good its a bit jerky in places and a bit fast however that is something I have always had trouble with and I think its definitely better compared to my animations last term. If I was going to change anything about this animation it would be the amount of frames i held the thinking poses for (when he steps to the left and right) I think I held these poses to long and it kind of looks like he freezes and after showing this to my lecture she told me that its probably best to only hold a pose without any movement for no more than 5 frames so I will try and do this on future tasks.

 After this I did the emotion task which did not need to be a blind animation. For this I decided to do the emotion despair as I felt that i could portray this emotion well. The first thing I did was ask a fellow animator to act out the emotion, to really act like they felt despair. I then used this video for reference when creating my animation. I created this emotion animation on ones so I really had to look at how the body moves and create the smallest movements possible. Again I think this animation is a little fast but my timing is definitely getting better. I have also held certain poses for to many frames (I created this animation before getting the feedback) and I think i need to add slight movements to make the animation look more realistic. 

If I have time I am definitely going to redo these animations and improve them with the feedback I have been given.

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