Monday 9 April 2018

2D background

animation backgrounds 

for the other nine animation backgrounds i decided to keep them simple and to just use pen and pencil as i really want to concentrate on getting the layout and perspective right as this is something i have often struggled with. I have made sure to choose very different backgrounds all from different movies to make sure there is a variation in style. 

beauty and the beast 

The reason I chose to do a pencil sketch of this background is because I like the angle of the image. I also struggle to draw stairs and so this is something I wanted to practise. The original image uses very dark colours and I think this is to portray what the mood and atmosphere is like when the prince is a beast (its very dark, spooky and mysterious).

Disney - a Christmas carol

This backround is very detailed and all the items in it are very elegant suggesting the artist wanted to make the owner appear rich, however like beauty and the beast the artist has also used very dark colours maybe again to suggest how sad and hurt the main character is and to portray however he has shut him self off from the rest of the world with only objects to keep him company.

emperors new groove

I decided to do a quick pen sketch of this background because I liked how symmetrical it was. I also like how the artist used a striking gold colour for the middle of the background which contrasts nicely with the dull grey rocks surrounding it- I think the artist did this to subtly portray how wealthy the emperor is however his wealth is surrounded by cracks.

idle hour club

I decided to do a rough pencil sketch of this background because I really liked the layout and felt that the artist used nice neutral but also inviting colours. I also like how the sign is placed off centre in the image so even though its an important part of this scene its not the only thing you see
 lilo and stiches bedroom

I wanted to do a rough copy of this background because I liked the overall layout. Its very simplistic but also conveys what the character lilo is like. It gives you a bit about her personality and overall portrays how she is just a child with a childs bedroom. However I also notice that the room is very empty maybe this is to show how she is being looked after her sister and therefore cant afford many toys or other luxuries.

The lion king
I wanted to do a quick pen sketch of this background because I liked how it included the iconic lion king rock but from a different angle. I think the use of rocks infront of that rock gives a look of hierarchy and whoever is standing on the main rock is above and in charge of the people looking up.

silly symphonies- the blind musketeers

Again I wanted to do a sketch of this background because of its unusual angle I like how its very low down I think the artist has done this so you are on the same levels as the characters in the animation you are going through the adventure with them.

tom and jerry 
Similar to the blind musketeers background the artist has again brought you down to the same level as the characters so you fully understand what is happening. The artist has also included a minimal amount of detail in this background so you main focus is on the characters in this particular scene.

winnie the pooh

I decided to replicate this background because winnie the pooh is one of my favourite animations. I really like the way the artist has drawn the tree in this background it has a really nice amount of detailed and I think it doesn’t take over the scene because it is placed off centre so it is not the main focus of your attention.

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