Monday 22 October 2018

Cuppa Joe- Making

Making a set

Whilst producing cuppa Jo I also helped to created a set for the film. I have always loved being creative and so i really enjoyed being involved in both the organisation and creative side of the project. the base of this set was made out of wood that i painted. the structure of the set was made mainly out of foam board and then painted. We used fake grass and moss to make the building look old. to make the rubbish piles we mainly used actually rubbish 

Thursday 18 October 2018

Cuppa Jo Producing

My role as the producer

After being the producer on a film project last year i have definitely decided its what i would like to do after leaving unversity, so im very pleased that im acting as the producer this term on our project cuppa jo.

so far i have created a small plan/ gantt chart looking at how my team should be progressing on the film this term. this is the first time im producing a stop motion film so i have had to include different things than i did last year on my my 2d project tea talk. i have made sure to include time for developing the idea and animating but have also included time for making sets and the puppet as these are obviously all important parts of a stop motion film

Friday 12 October 2018

Second Year term 1

Cuppa Joe 

so I have not been posting much because of summer break but I'm now back at university and im  working on another short film. after working on "tea talk" I have decided that I definitely would like to pursue the job role of the producer further and see if this is something I would like to do as a career. I also decided that this term I wanted to work on a stop motion project, that is why I am now the producer on the short film "Cuppa Joe". 
this term for one our modules we were put into teams and given a client brief. my teams brief was 'sustainable campus' they wanted us to create a film that shows a way we can help make the campus more environmentally friendly. so we are now two weeks into the term and my team have come up with an idea that helps to promote the use of reusable coffee cups and normal coffee cups cannot be recycled. 
this film is about a student who with the stress of deadlines is drinking A LOT of coffee and keeps throwing away A LOT of coffee cups. after have little too no sleep he hallucinates and is taken to a rubbish underworld, where he comes face to face with a coffee monster. when he comes out of this hallucination he realises that buying a reusable coffee cup will mean he never has to face the evil monster again. 
this is a poster our designer has created to portray the film. the first Half will be live action and then when he is taken into the underworld it will be stop motion. it will then go back to live action when he wakes up. 
I really like this idea and I'm excited to see where it goes!
right now I have come up with a plan so we can start making our stop motion sets next week and I have already got someone to start making the puppet.