Monday 18 February 2019

Big Feet- Making

Making Weeks

I loved creating the film set for cuppa Jo and it was a really interesting process, however this term I really wanted to prioritise my role as a producer as I think this is the role I would like to have after I have completed my degree.  However i did manage to find the time to create the Twigloo that will be featured in the forest scene of Big Feet! 
To create this i wrapped mod roc round a bowl and left it to dry. I then painted it brown and using a hot glue gun, I glued twigs on it to make it a Twigloo, I even created a little door. This was a fun little project that didn't take to long. It was a nice break from spreadsheets! 

Friday 15 February 2019

Big feet

New Term, New Project!

So its term 2 of my second year and I'm producing another project! 
this term we do not have to follow a client brief and its up to us what we do. I was approached by some people on the course as they had a good idea for a stop motion short film. They are usually 2D film makers so im interested to see how they create a film that will work with stop motion (as we have certain limitations at falmouth that mean we may not be able to be as creative as we would like!)  however they are great directors so im really excited to see more. 
They're idea follows a yeti who wants to find his family. They have already shown me some concept art and storyboards and i love the idea. I have brought on some other people to the project and we now have a great team of 7! 
we have animators, set makers and a DOP so we are ready to go.