Monday 10 February 2020

The ones we love production


The ones we love has now officially started production and only has two models left to finish which is really exciting! 

Here is a Gantt chart i created to schdule production this term.

We finally have a shot list! i created this shot list just before term started and i have just finished putting all the shots in!

Sunday 2 February 2020

Case Closed production


Case Closed officially started production today. We are using the animation from our vertical slice ( however changing the backgrounds) so we already have some animation finished. We have a really good team on board who are currently working hard at completing keys! 

During our first week back this term i scheduled in Background and animation workshops for all our animators to make sure they were keeping to the correct style (and this is an issue we suffered with in the vertical slice). Below is an image of our director giving a background tutorial.

Here is the Gantt Chart i created to schedule this term

For our sound we needed to complete the animation scene by scene so he could start on the music. Here is a shot tracker i created so i new what sound would need to be done and when.

Here is a notice board i created for the film to keep people updated on important information and to show off some of our amazing concept art completed by our director.