Wednesday 21 March 2018


2d animation 

for my experimental project I decided i also wanted to include a couple seconds of traditional 2d animation.
to do this I used one of the light tables that we have available to use in the studio and started to draw numerous layers ready to be photographed and made into an animation.
In the video above you can see a man and a woman this people are meant to represent my mum and dad when they were younger and them falling in love and having a baby ( me). as you can see I have also created a digitally animated heart to appear as I felt this would help the transition of the images (not holding baby to holding baby). I think as this was first try at 2d traditional animation it is pretty good and it is conveys the message I was trying to show the viewer however I also wanted to make sure that the viewer new they were my mum and dad and so decided to add a small animation where my hand comes in and writes mum and dad above there heads. I think I could improve this animation by trying to make it a little longer however doing this as shown me just how time consuming traditional 2d can be   

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