Tuesday 10 April 2018

2d background

2d interior room 

one of the tasks we needed to complete was a detailed drawing of an interior room of our choice. For this task I decided to do a detailed drawing of my room back home (looking in from the doorway) as it has just been redone and I really like the way it looks. I also like how my inbuilt wardrobes include a big mirror and wanted to challenge myself by trying to replicated the reflection. Originally, I tried to complete this task by sitting outside my bedroom and drawing it directly from eye however found this quite difficult to get the perspective of the room right so decided to take an image on my phone and create it from that. I think overall the I have gotten the structure of the room right as everything seems to be the right size I have also successfully included two lights sources (the window and the main light above) however I think I could have improved on the shadows these light sources created as its not very clear how the light is coming in from window.

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