Tuesday 10 April 2018

stop motion - motion studies

final puppet

after gluing my puppet together I decided that the best way to give the puppet was to wrap it in wool as I thought that this would be a good way to cover up the polymorph, foam and wire without making it so my puppet was unable to move. personally I think this looks really good and I tried to cover the puppet as neatly as I possibly could. however I came across two problems whilst covering this puppet. the first problem I found is that I was unable to cover the puppets paws in wool without it being unable to walk so I have decided not to cover them at all, I think this looks ok however I am going to ask my lecturer what she thinks in our next session. I have also found out that my dog is quite big. I had already planned for my dog to be the size of a great dane (compared to the puppet) however he might be slightly bigger than that. 

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