Thursday 12 April 2018

tea project

finished tea project

here is a link to view my final tea video "tea talk" that me and my group created. I was unable to upload it onto here because the file was to big

Group project
First meeting
Once we were in our groups we started our meeting and discussed what type of roles there would be. I was assigned the role of Production Manager meaning I needed to make sure we were completing the work on time and working well together.This experience has shown me that I would like to pursue this in the future. After our meeting I asked everyone to come up with their own idea using whatever animation they liked to present at our next meeting.
Second meeting
From our presentations we decided that the best idea was Drews creature comfort style tea interviews, we felt it was a nice way to incorporate the people of Falmouth into our project. We  decided to create our film using 2d animation. We also discussed whether we should use  rotoscoped or live action footage however, even though we knew that rotoscoping was going to be a difficult task we decided that it would give us the best outcome. Once this meeting had finished we had given everyone there official roles in the group
We also decided that we were going to go out in groups of three to film the interviews as we wanted to make sure that people didn’t feel too crowded by all of us.  I asked everyone to interview at least five people asking these questions that we all decided on:
We made sure to interview a variety of people including; strangers (on and off campus), lecturers and students.
 Third meeting
From the interviews we created a live action edit, I tried to make sure that everyone had an input of what went into our video. We also decided to include two full bits of animation because I knew that I had some good animators that could able create these.
Carol also came up with some design ideas and colours schemes that we could use to start animating and Drew completed some test rotoscoping, from this we decided to include light and dark shades on the faces and hands however we decided just an outline for the body to keep it simple.
Overall we had 11 people in our video and two parts of animation. Moving forward we decided who was going to be animating what. Both Drew and I felt very confident rotoscoping; Drew took four people and I took 5 and 1 piece of animation, Jamie then took the other 2 as he felt his 2d skills weren’t that great but we wanted him to be able develop this.

My role
I started my rotoscoping as soon as I could as I knew it would be time consuming. Once I had practised rotoscoping doing it was fairly easy to complete them. I knew I needed to get some of them done straight away so we could start animating. One piece of rotoscoping I found difficult was “hippy nick”.  Although he didn’t move that much the animation we had designed had to go on top of the rotoscoping so I decided to draw the start of the animation myself and then pass it onto the animators (this is why the animation is on my show reel).
Whilst doing this I also created a presentation in order to show the client our development. I asked my group if I could have all of the designs and tests that had been completed I also asked drew for his original idea presentation. I put it all in a PowerPoint along with our live action edit.
I tried to make sure that everyone else in my group was following the schedule and collected everyone’s work at the end of each week to create a rough that we presented to the class.
We suffered a few setbacks when it came to communication however the animations were still finished on time, whilst still maintaining a professional level of quality.
I then made sure I had everyone’s completed work and created a rough edit that I could give to the editors. I made sure they knew what needed to be completed and asked them to show me the first draft in our following lesson. Once we had all agreed on the layout I asked our editors to produce the final edit compiled of all the sounds and videos in the correct place.

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