Friday 29 March 2019



We have a very small team on Bear so we are struggling to get the animation done. when i joined the project in week 6 they did even have a final design for the characters yet. So i had to push that along quickly and start production. We now have 3 and a half weeks left to finish animation so it a bit tight, however i have come up with a new blending frames effect that fits the style of the film and means we can animate on 4s instead of 2s saving us a lot of time. I have also brought on some the directors from Big Feet as they are also 2D animators and really good at it (and fast)!
I am also doing a lot of the animation myself which is really interesting and a fun new experience. 2D animation is not something i have much experience in but im really enjoying the process.

This is our Simple Shot list that i created - This was a lot easier for my director to follow so they could see the work that was being completed.

Here is a meeting with Me, The head of animation and an animator present. 

I also arranged for a short amount of LAV to be created as their were some shots that our animators were finding particularly challenging 

Friday 22 March 2019

New Project - producing bear

Taking over Bear

So Whilst doing Big Feet,  a friend of mine (who i worked with last term on Cuppa Jo) was directing another project of their own called 'Bear'. originally at the start of this term they asked me to be the assistant producer to help their producer whilst i did Big Feet. However I did not have to do much during the first month because they were very organised. We are now 6 weeks into term (Halfway) and because of personal circumstance their producer is having to step down from the role. My friend has asked me if I can take over as they really need someone to help organise their team. I have agreed to do it however it means that I have to do Big Feet and Bear at the same time which seems like a bit of a crazy thing to do in my second year! 

However, Big Feet is going really well and we are ahead of schedule- we have just finished our first week of Makin week and we have already created over half of our props, we will easily be able to start animating early (maybe even a week ahead of schedule!) and because of this I think i have the time to help out on Bear and I'm excited to see if I can pull this off. This is a new challenge! 

Friday 1 March 2019

Big feet Producing


I'm really enjoying the role of producer this term. The team are working so well together that I'm having to deal with little to no issues or delays! My whole team are also listening to me and my plans. Last term I found that sometimes my team wouldn't to me and argue with my organisation a lot however I think after that project got completed they were grateful that i pushed them to do their best and i think that has had an effect on this term as my team see me as a producer that knows what they are doing and is capable of getting the film completed on team, however I could not do it without them!

Here is the Shot list i created for Big feet. I think i can already see a development in my skills as a producer from last term. Im much more organised as I feel like I know what im doing more. 

This is the props list i created to keep track of all the props that we need made more the project. This is something I did not do last term which mean't it was really hard to keep track of what was being made and one of the sets almost wasn't finished. This was a mistake I did not want to make this term and this spreadsheet helped me stay organised

This is a dates availability sheet I made for the project. This was really useful to keep track of when people could work - especially when trying to organise animators as we only had one studio to animated in so it had to be organised perfectly. 

This is one of the weekly animation schedules I created. Like I said above we only had one studio to animate all 60 shots in and we only had 3 weeks to animated all 2 minutes, so I needed to run a tight schedule so we aren't wasting time. This weekly plan is helping me to do that