Thursday 26 October 2017

2D Animation

2D Flour Sack Hula Hooping

For our next 2D animation project we were asked to take the same flour bag that we had used in the previous exercise and make it do a continuous hula hoop. This task was difficult as we had to make sure that we matched up the start and the end drawings so that it would flow continuously.
In this video you can see both my first and second attempt at my class. Once I figured out how the hula hoop would go around the flour sack it became a lot easier. I prefer my second attempt as i think the video flows through each frame a lot better. I will be receiving feedback on my Hula hoop next Tuesday and will then make further improvements if they are needed.

2D Animation

2D Flour Bag Jump 

Last week I posted a video of a flour bag jumping over a box and after receiving some feedback I decided to improve upon my jump by changing a few things. The first thing I change was the direction the flour bag jumped in as I thought that the line it was following made it seem more like it was flying than jumping. The second thing I changed was how many frames I had in my animation, I decided to both add and get rid of some of my frames as I felt like the way the flour bag was landing wasn't realistic enough. This is now my final try at this flour bag jump and I think it looks really good.

Stop Motion Animation

Puppet Head movement

For our next Stop Motion task we had to do 6 head movements from left to right using the puppets. I found this really interesting as this was the first time we were allowed to use the puppets and it was a good way to start seeing how they work and move . As you can see from my video this was one of my first attempts and I hope to try and complete this task again in the next few weeks to show some improvement. one thing that i really dislike about this video is at the end she becomes blurred which I did not realize until i had exported it. This is something that i would make sure not to do again. 

3D Animation

3D Animation 

For one of our first projects in 3D animation they asked us to create numerous different videos of a ball bouncing in different ways.
I decided to create; an excited ball, a sad/lazy ball and a happy ball.
This was my second attempt at making a ball bounce in Maya and i think it looks good considering I am not very experienced in 3D animation. however I will carry on practicing these basic tasks as I want to make sure I can do them easily and improve upon the way they look.  

Friday 20 October 2017

Flour Bag

Flour bag jump

the next thing they asked us to complete in 2D was a flour bag doing a jump. to do this we first made videos of people jumping then we looked at the key points of these videos then created these in Tv paint. This is currently what my flour bag looks like however I think I might try and add more detail to the flour bag as it looks very simple. I am also going to improve the drop shadow.

Ball and Balloon


Heavy and Light

The next piece of stop motion we were asked to do was a heavy ball (like a bowling ball) that drops to the ground and a balloon that gently falls to the ground.
Firstly in this video you can see the ball then the balloon. I think I did the ball really well as the way it drops looks like it has some weight, however I think I could improve the balloon as I don't think that it looks like the wind is moving the balloon in the right way and I think that it is to bright so if I was going to redo this I would have made sure to take more time to make sure it looked like it had some weight 

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Stop Motion Animation

Stop motion animation 

For our first stop motion animation task we were asked to create both a mechanical pendulum and a free pendulum using a coin.
For my stop motion I decided to use a 2p coin as I thought that its was nice and big and would be easier to use. firstly I drew out my crescent like shape on a A3 piece of paper, to do this I used a piece of string tied to a pencil. I then placed many lines on the crescent shape which was were I was going to place my coin during each shot. After during a few practise attempt these were the final outcome of my pendulum, you can see the Free pendulum first and the Mechinical second.
I think these turned out quite well and I really enjoyed the whole stop motion process however if I have time within the next few weeks I am going to try and create these pendulum swings again so I can see if I have improved my stop motion skills in any way.

Rough sketches

   Rough Sketches

Whilst we are learning how to make basic animations our lecturers are also asking to us to complete some drawing tasks so we can improve our drawing skills. in the past couple of weeks we have been asked to draw things like:
  • What strangers tell us to draw
  • Hands and feet
  • Animals
  • Trees 

These are some of favourite drawings I completed during these tasks. throughout the year I am going to keep looking and redoing these sketches to show how I have improved my drawing skills. I personally believe that my best medium is pen as I think I am able to draw much more freely whilst using it, however I have decided that I need to start doing some of these task with a wider range of materials so I am going to start using paint,oil pastels and maybe even charcoal.

2D Waterballoon

2D Water Balloon 

For our first 2D Animation project we were asked to create a water balloon that is falling of a ledge and bouncing across the room. This is both my first and second attempt at trying to animate a water balloon. My first attempt has the pink sky and as you can see the balloon moves too far across the screen and looks more like a tennis balls movement. After getting some feedback from my lecturer I decided that it would be a good idea to change the distance and height of the balloon, this is shown in my second attempt with the blue sky.