Monday 20 November 2017

2D Animation

Bird flight

For our next task in 2D animation we were asked to create that could fly in a cycle as you can see this video is very short however I would like to add clouds to the background so this video is not finished. I will make sure to loop the final video so you can see the animation more clearly. I found it very difficult trying to work out how the wings of the birds would flap and as you can see this bird looks more like its dancing than flying however I think its gives it a bit of a comical effect as I was trying to make it look like a rubber duck and make it funny anyway.

Stop motion Animation

Character walk child being told off

For our next task in Stop motion Animation we were asked to do a 'character' walk which means to create a walk in a certain style. I decided to do a child being told off by someone as I thought it would be good to convey how a child quickly moves across the floor however in a very sad way when they are being told off. I conducted this Animation at the same time as the normal walk so again the feet have been cut off, I also don't like how it wobbles a lot towards the end of the animation and if I get chance I will be redoing this task.

Stop Motion Animation

Normal walk

For our next stop motion animation task we were asked to make the character walk atleast 3 steps across the screening doing a 'normal' walk. this was my second attempt at this walk and even though I like the way the puppet moves I think it is slightly to fast and the head does wobble a lot in the middle of the walk. I also didn't realise that the feet are not fully in screen and so if I get chance I will definitely redo this walk 

2D Animation

Character head turn - coloured

I decided that before i would add any more frames i wanted to see what my head turn looks like coloured as i didn't know if this would have a substantial effect on the way the overall piece looked. however, after colouring my animation i now realise that it definitely does need a few more frames right before the take just to give the take a bigger and better effect.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

2d Animation

character head turn

For our next task in 2D Animation we were asked to created a character that turns his head and does a take. we also had to make sure to show some sort of follow through I already had a character in mind and so I decided to do this dog character as I thought it had a nice look andi could make the shaggy hair and tongue do the follow through. as you can see I have not finished this task yet as I have not coloured however I wanted to show the develop of the character and after showing it to a few people including our lecturer I have decided that I need to make the character look more shocked during his take. To do this I am going to add a few more frames so that his face goes down more right before doing the take, this will give it a better effect.  

Monday 13 November 2017

2d animation

Disney Hand turn 

For our next task we were asked to replicate a hand like mickey mouses turning. we were asked to do this because in the industry we might have to replicate other peoples work and we need to be able to do this easily. I think that my work looks good and moves nicely and I enjoyed looking at others work and trying to replicate it.

Monday 6 November 2017

2D Animation

2D rough hand turn sketch

For our next 2D task we were ask to create a cartoon hand (whichever one you don't write with in my case the right) that turns from the back of its hand to its palm, however we had to first create a very rough animation of a normal hand turning and then turn it into a cartoon hand. This is my attempt at creating the rough,sketched out hand turning and in my opinion it looks really good. obviously it is missing a few inbetweens but i wanted to make sure that i didn't spend to much time on this one and not enough on the actual cartoon hand.

Friday 3 November 2017

3D Animation


3D animation is definitely the one that i lack the most confidence in and i struggle to understand however as the weeks go by i'm starting to gain more confidence and understanding in the way maya works.

In this weeks task instead of being asked to create another small animation we were asked to use the (already created) character MERY to show some basic emotions using her whole rigging system (her whole body). These are some of the emotions I decided to create. the first emotion I looked at was anger as I thought it would be the easiest to convey on this rigging system however I then realized that trying to make the character hold her hips was very difficult and it took me a while to get it right. I then decided to make a mischievous, thinker pose and I found this one to be the easiest of all except I think I could improve it by moving her hand into a better position. The last emotion i looked at was shocked but instead of looking at scared,shocked I decided to look at excited,shocked like she has just received a surprise present, I think I did this emotion really well as I believe it looks really realistic. I am hoping to make two more of these by our next session on Thursday.

2D Animation

Picking up heavy item

This week in 2D we were asked to create a flour sack that picks up a heavy item and throws it somewhere on the screen. I have found the latest task that we have been given in 2D Animation to be the most difficult so far as I have really struggled to show how the item the sack is holding is heavy.This is my final attempt at this task (so far) however i'm hoping to get some feedback from our lecturer on how I could make the rock look heavier when the sack is picking it up so I will hopefully be able to show some improvement next week.

Stop Motion Animation

Ball Throw

For our next stop motion task we were asked to make our puppet look like its throwing a ball across the screen (without using an actual ball) this has definitely been the most difficult task yet as trying to make the puppet look like its getting ready to throw the ball was really tough. this was my second attempt at this task and I think it looks good, however to improve I think I will make sure that the puppet leans back more when it is getting ready to throw the ball. I will definitely be repeating this task to get a better outcome.

stop motion animation

Toe Touch

For our next stop motion animation we were asked to make our puppet touch its toes. after viewing a demonstration I thought that creating this would be a lot easier than it was as I struggled at making sure I didn't make each movement in each frame to big and I also realized how difficult it is to move in the puppets in a way that makes them flow. however after a few attempts this was my final try and I believe that it is a good result. I think that the puppets movement flows nicely, however if i was going to repeat this task again I would concentrate more on giving the arms more of a swing.