Thursday 7 December 2017

Final showreel

Final showreel

Now that my deadline for this terms show reel is tomorrow I thought that I would post my final show reel to my blog to show all the work I completed in the past few months. in my show reel is all my final and best attempts at  2D, 3D and Stop Motion work. I have made sure to include every task that we were given and I personally believe that I have completed them to a good standard, however I can see that in certain tasks there is definitely work for improvement. I am going to make sure to keep working on my 3D over Christmas and will try and practise my 2D, and stop motion in my spare time after the Christmas holidays.

3D Animation

tails jump

one thing that I have not included on my blog so far was the task we were given a few weeks ago in 3D and that was the tails jump. For this task we had to take this 'tails' rig and make it look like it was jumping. and whilst it was jumping we ad to make sure to give the tail a follow through effect to make it look more realistic. to do this we first did the animation of the character and then opened up the dope sheet give the tail a proper flick. I think that my final attempt looks really good as the tail moves nicely, however, if I was going to do this task again I would definitely look more and the squash and stretch of the character to give it a more realistic jump.

yawn- second attempt

I decided that I would redo my yawn and upload it with my video reference of myself included in it so you could see how I followed the video to make the animation look more realistic. I think this animation definitely looks better than my first as it has more of a stretch and looks more realistic.

2D Animation

new 2d walk

After talking to my lecturer about my original walk cycle I decided to try and do it again as I felt like my first one was a bit to wobbly and it looked like my character was moving all over the place. in my second attempt whilst also continuing to look at the leg movement I also made sure to pay attention to how the upper body was moving and I think overall my second attempt does look a lot better. One thing I would change about my second attempt is that the actual walk is moving in a funny way and I think if I was to do this task again I would pay more attention to how the legs work.

life drawings

life drawings

part of our course means we got to do life drawing every Friday for a few weeks. these are a few of my life drawings from our final session of this term. I really enjoy life drawing as I feel like its a way to loosen up and really concentrate on a persons figure. my favourite life drawing is the top drawing on brown paper. I love this drawing because we were allowed 20 minutes and we had to concentrate less on the shape of the women and more about where the lighting is hitting the women's body. the second set of drawings are a few 2 min poses where we had to create a quick and rough outline of the women. the last set of drawings was to look at overlapping the figure whilst she steps off a box.


Deep storyboards 

I now have one more deadline before Christmas and that is the storytelling for animation. this is the storyboard I made for one of our tasks after talking to my lecturer I think that there are a few too many wide angle and high shots in this storyboard and I am going to try and redo it with a few more close ups to give it more suspence

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Stop Motion Animation

Normal walk and Character walk

In my previous posts on these tasks i said how i had accidentally cut off the feet and that both animations were very jumpy and so i decided to redo them both together.

The first one i decided to do was the Normal walk as i new this was going to be the easiest of the two and i wanted to make sure that i got it looking really good. as you can see from the video i have defnintely improved since my previous attempt as the walk is more fluid and doesn't wobble, however i do think that i included to many frames as the walk is slightly slow. 

I then went on to redo the character walk. I thought about changing my idea to something different however i liked the way my first one looked and moved and decided to try and do a child being told off by someone again. i think again this second attempt does look a lot better than my first attempt as it moves across the screen nicely, however, towards the end of the video it does start to wobble a lot more and this is because i didn't check the leg joints before starting the Animation and the legs and hip joints were a lot loser than they should of been making it hard to make the puppet stand on one leg properly.

2D Animation

Walk cycle

For our final 2D we were asked to create a simple sketched walk cycle of a character with no features to walk across the screen. This was my first attempt at this 2D walk and i think overall the walk looks good as it doesn't limp and moves across nicely, however, when i look more closely at each frame i can see that it does look a bit jumpy and wobbly as i have always got the character moving forward properly. This is something that i definitely want to improve on before the final deadline 

3D Animation

Ball Throw 

In our last 3d task we were asked to make one of the body mechs character look like it is throwing a ball from one hand to the other using a parenting rig. This was definitely the most difficult task we have been given as we had to make sure that the character didn't throw the ball to fast or to slow whilst also making sure that the ball was connected to the correct hand. i think that my final Animation is average as the character does throw the ball from one hand to the other, however, i think that it throws the ball a little to fast and i would also like to improve how fluid the throw is to make it look more realistic 

Stop Motion Animation


For our last task in stop motion we were asked to take two puppets and have one dragging the other across the screen like its unconscious. I found this task really difficult as I had to concentrate on making sure both puppets movements looked right. This is both my first and second attempt at  this task. i think that the main problem with my first try is that it is a bit too short as the puppet only makes to steps that why i decided to make it longer in my next attempt. In the second video I like how the puppet drags the other puppet the whole way across the screen I think that the movement of the unconscious puppet is very jumpy and I could improve this by making its head do smaller movements.

2D Animation

bird explosion

For our next 2D animation we were asked to use our bird cycle and add some special effects and sounds to it. I decided to make my bird get struck by lightning as I was interested in finding out the  way you would do this as an animator, I found this process really interesting and I think my final outcome overall is reallu good. the only main thing I would change about this animation is possibly making it a bit more slower as I think it goes very fast and I would maybe add a screaming sound when the bird is it my lightning however I  couldn't work out how to add more than one sound so I just stuck with the lightning

2D Animation

Finished Head Turn 

like I said in my previous unfinished head turn post I decided that I wanted to add more frames into the take section of my Animation to give my dog a more shocked look and a better effect. I have also coloured and completed my dog Animation. I think over all the animation looks really good and I like the way I have done follow through using the dogs hair, ears and tongue and the only thing I would think about improving is again making that take a bit more exaggerated.

2D Animation

 Finished Bird Flight 

like I said in my previous post I wanted to add some clouds to my bird flight and I think it gives it a really nice effect of movement. I have also linked it a few times so it is easier to watch and I think it looks really good.

3D Animation

if you look at my past posts in my blog you can see that there is massive lack of 3D Animation this is because in the past couple of weeks I have often debated whether or not to post any. The reason I have been questioning this is because I believe that my 3D Animation is definitely the one I'm weakest at and I have felt that none of it (except some of my Mery poses) has been any good to post, however, I for the past week I have been making my showreel ready for our deadline this Friday and I have realised that if I don't compare my work to other peoples (which I usually do)  I have made great improvements in my 3D and even if it is not the best in the class it is something I should show off so here is a range of my 3D animations that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks (not all of them)

Excited ball bounce

One of our very first tasks in 3D ( before the Mery poses) was for us to take this ball rig that they gave us and create at least 2 balls with different 'emotions' on them. my favourite one was this 'excited' ball as I think it just looks really good and at it was really working out how to do the squash and stretch on each bounce as this is something I have never done before.

Monty Walk

Later on in 3D we were able to use this Monty rig to create a walk cycle. I found this really interesting and very difficult as I struggled with working out how and where to put the key frames to make it look like he was walking normally. As you can see from the video above the walk is still very fast and awkward and if I was to do this again I would definitely slow it down a bit.


For this Animation we used the bodymechs rich which I found very easy to use because it was made by someone to specifically teach beginners. for this task we had to make the character yawn using a video of ourselves for reference. I found this very difficult as I sometimes struggled to get the arm to move right to make it look right and ended up getting the right arm stuck in a fist at the end. however I think that overall the actual animation of the yawn looks good.


For our next task I actually completed two finished pieces as I did one when we were set the task and I recently redid it as I didn't really that the character had to give up at the end. as you can see my first try is very simple of a character called jack trying to push the box and sliding back. I also decided to redo this task as I felt that the animation in my first try didn't look right and him sliding back made him look like he was floating. in my second try I used a character called Tina and decided this time I wasn't going to make her feet move just so it looked less like she was sliding. I definitely like my second try more however I still feel like it could be improved slightly by holding the pushing frame for a bit longer. I also tried to make the push look more feminine because I chose a female character however I think I have maybe made the push a bit to feminine and it make its look a little comedic but overall I am happy with the outcome.